Friday, June 20, 2008


Hi, smua na....
ni pertama x aq isi blog lor...
belakangan ni ga da wkt bk blog qt.. Busy^^
sibuk ujian.. hahaha
akhir na free jg...
btw, nama q wenny
utk ari ni sampe sini doloe yach..
see u next time..


Bye smua..

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, Rahmah!

Myspace Comments
Myspace Comments @

Ucapan untuk loe jg...
Moga2,, all ur wishes come true d...

Love you,,, Muax muax...
As nyu2 said,, "wo men cayang ni..."

hihi... gt d...
once more,,, MUAX!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"happy birthday to you . . .
happy birthday to you . . .
happy birthday happy birthday . . .
happy birthday RAHMAH!!"

sELamaT uLAng Tahun yhaa HAM!! ^^,,

wo men cayank ni . . . . kikiki,,

hari ini nihh,,tggl 12/06/2008... rahmah ulank tahun... itu lohh,,ahli biologi kita... ^^,,

kita doain rahmah

makin "CAKEP"
makin "PINTER"
makin "SEHAT"
makin "HEBAT"


dAn maSiH bYk makin2an yg lain nya...


Sunday, June 8, 2008

gw lg ni mr wendy
keren kan???????????????????????????????

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ni gw wendy n my friend oli keren kan kami

Saturday, June 7, 2008

ART time~~~

so... Apart from getting knowledge, school can be a place for students to show their creativity....
and ART is one of the alternative to show that... ^^,,

so where were we??

owhh... we're goin to talk about dis "awesome" creation of SH 2...... whohoooo~~~
well,,we spent a lot of time into dis stuff..... and put everything into the making of our creation..... and thought "well,,it turns out better den we expected"..... so we're proudly to present it,,

Let's take a look at our first creator.....
YENNI!!! yay~~~ *dohh~~*

well she made dis great KING MICKEY......... muahaha,,
looks fantastic to us~ ^^,,

next is the creation of..... WENNY,,

TT,,something happen to it..... TT,,
actually,,when Wenny is about to finish her work,,sort of painting it.... she put it underneath the AC..... didn't know dat the AC leaks,,and screw her work.... sad thing~~ TT,,
third is NOVIE......
haha,, watermelon bandana thing with the skateboard might b the unique of dis *kawaii* bear.....

hi mr donald duck~~
looks real huh?... whooo~~ well,,it is made by mr oliver......

look at dis rabbit~~~ hahaha,,cute! am i right? ^^..
as u can see on the pics,,the maker is RAHMAH.... haha
wew~~ looks so fierce.....
"wanna fight me??.... arrrrrrr" hohoho,,WENDY is the one who made dis... ^^,,

next is...... IRMA!!!
hahaha,the drawing was made by her brother though...... the painting she did it herself.....

and last,,is JESSY.......
aiyoooiii~~ so "hiao" (sassy?) just like the creator.... hohohoho,,
cute though~ ^^,,

and finally its time to hang up all of those "kawaii2" to our "mading" board (notice board)...... ^^,,

hmmm,,hang on.... did we miss something??

owhh,,where's nyunyu's???

she take it home la..... before we did some photo taking.....
only dis was left.....

there... u see... the one dat looks like a LION~~ ROARRRR......... it was one of the character in BLEACH (anime),,cute horr?? haha,,

wow! hahaha,,think we got some talent there for art.... ^^,,

well dats all for ART.... tha thaaa~~

Friday, June 6, 2008

Thank You, Our Beloved Teacher...

since we have introduced ourself as students.
we still don't forget bout our beloved teacher...
they are the one who accompanied us for this whole year..

who are they???

First,, this is the form teacher of SH 2 science major..
she is Ms.Dumaris... we usually call her Bu Dum Dum...
she is a sweet teacher..
Thanks, Bu Dum Dum for all your care in this whole year..
Love You...
While this man is the form teacher of SH 2 social major..
He is Mr.Wahyu..
He is a kind teacher.. He treats us like we are his children...
Thanks for your care too, Sir...
We'll do our best and won't let u down..
Love You Too....
That's all... These teacher really take good care of us... And we do respect you, Teacher...
Love you... (from your students)


aduh,,, hari ini terasa sangat melegakan..
hari ini,, smua presentasi selesai..
suda ga perlu sibuk2 buet2 hapal2,,,
nah,, stelah itu,, yg aus di khawatirkan adalah...
waaaaaaaaaaa,,,, ulum semester 2 mendekat,,, senin,, 9 Juni 2008
OMG.. blom blajar nich,,
oke... smua pasti bisa,,, dapet nilai bagus,, amin...

kita anaq2 klz 2 dj udah mulai dekat ma medan perang ne..
bahaya banget...
penentuan kenaikan kelaz gitu deh..
semua temen2 kelas selamat bljr yooo....
siapkan peluru dan senjata yang ampuh tuq hadapi musuh tangguh "soal2 karya guru2 DJ"

buat 2 IPA "jia you...." Gambate.....................tingkatkan prestasi n raih juara 1.......
buat anak IPS juga....sikat habis soal2 ujiannya nanti...jangan sisakan satu pun....

ne info jadwal ujian anak 2IPA nanti

SelaSa: B.Ind,PPKN
Rabu: Kimia, Writing
KaMis: Fisika, MAndArin
JumaT: Vocabulary, Listening, Science
Senin: Math, Sejarah, KoMpUtEr
selasa: BioloGi, Reading COmprehension

Sekian info jadwal perang TUq anaq 2 IPA

Yah sekali lagi aq ucapin Go Go Jia You bwt Qta semua SMA 2 ...........,,,,,,,,,......,,,,,,,,,.....,..,.,,..,.,

Ok deh....c u all next time.... SeLamat BerperAnG....wkakakakakakaka.........

.........................-012_59- 2 IPA........................

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wenny vs Nurita Episode 2 (tennis)

Episode ke 2..
Episode terakhir Wenny dan Nurita berperang..
bermain, tennis..,
siapakah yang akan memenangkan pertandingan ini?
mari kita saksikan..

nah,, setelah dilihat,, sapa yang akan menang??
hihi,, sapa aja d yang menang
untuk yang menang >> congrt!
untuk yang kalah >> slo larg,,, nter suatu hari,, bisa menang kok,, haha,, jia you!

k k,,
beri comment yagh atas video nya...
thx thx...

Wenny vs Nurita Episode 1 ( Boxing )

haha,, dibawah ini,, video yang menarikkan lorg...
peperangan yang sangat seru sekali...
mari kita ntn... teng teng teng..

nah,, bagaimana?? serukah?? apakah anda sedang ketawa??
haha.. yagh,, memang begitu lah kita...
begitu akrab..
1 temen senang,,, yang lain pun akan ikut berbahagia..!! yeah!! ;p
P.S > capek banget maen game Wii ini,,,, besok nya,, tangan bagaikan membawa ber ton ton besi,, huuuhh.....

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


haloo smua na!!
ulum da dekat nii
ulum qta dri tgl 9 Juni 2008-17 Juni 2008
perang qta ada 1 minggu nii
anaq kls 2 pada stress stress liaw
cth na nii : Rahmah- da mule bljr fisika, kimia, yg IPA" d
Oliver- ga tao xii anaq nii bljr ap aj
tp dy pzt bljr ..nm na OLI!!haha
ga tao sapa aj xii yg bljr, tp yg yakin xii 2 org nii aj
truz owh y
ad lg org yg da mule bljr, yaitu
tmn qta yg rajin gt pzt da buka" bk IPS
da mule hafal"

bagi anaq IPS yg laen b'usaha jg nii smua na
jgn kala jg ama Yenni (J.K xii)

bagi anaq IPA jg ganbatte ne
kalo bz gnti sejarah yg dr doloe" truz gt aj
oli yg clalu dapet juara 1
T_T cedi na (hehe JK JK)

mao tao ga jadwal ulum anaq 2 IPS dan 2 IPA??
mao tao ato ga mao tao pun smua na hrx tao
oc dhe
d bwh nii jadwal anaq IPS

Senin : Ekonomi, agama, grammar
Selasa : Bhs Indonesia, PPKN
Rabu : Matematika, Writing
Kamis : Sosiologi, Mandarin
Jumat : Vocabulary, Listening
Senin : Mathematics, Sejarah, Komputer
Selasa : Geografi, Reading comprehension

ank 2 IPS ~
nilai na hrx bgx smua y!!
ga bole mera" ato biru"!!
pkk'na JIA YOU smua na!!
biar wali klz bangga gt!

oc dhe
jadwal ulum 2 IPA nyusul y ~
coz yg post nii bkn anaq IPA
knlin dhe ~
aq sala satu dr anaq 2 IPS
yg nm na novie d bwh sna!!
hoho!! c u next time all!!