omg! this time's post is far too much for us to explain in detail!!
there's so many things to describe... hahaha,,
we'll try our best to give u a appropriate explanation...
so forgive us if there's anything wrong,,^^...
so there's a practice for us (the IPA LAMERS) in the lab lately...

as u can see on the pics,,we're quite busy...

but still,,never forgot to take pics... hahaha,,
oli! ur face is so scary... hoooo~~ SCARY! haahha,,
and with those figure behind??? wadda!

here are the things we need,,

we're told to prepare things written...

and this is nyu2's note...
her handwriting is soooo......
hard to describe!

these are the things we've prepared for the practicum this time... ^^,,

we've started to arrange and put together the pieces...

as shown in the instruction of course!

we need to take notes too!
olie startin' to get serious here...

we got more than one practicum to do,,
and wendy was doing his best... hahaha,,

hahaha,,this time is Ms. Tabita (our physic subject teacher) explaining...

a close looks on Ms Tabita....

startin to get bored?
Rahmah tryin' to find the footstep of an ant... lol,,

even Irma laugh at her!! wkwkwkwk,,

owh owh!
she got something here...
hmmmm,,let's see...

a closer look...
there's a reflection of the windows right on the wall when the lup was directed on it...

how does it occur?
let's hear it...

it's nyu2 this time... hahaha,,


everyone is so serious for the report...

finally some relaxation!
and Irma is playin with... hmm,,
the wheel of color?? hahaha,,

ur holding an eye!!!!

keepin' it back to the place...

in our school! there's camera in every classroom...
not to mention laboratorium!

feel scared? lol,,

this is a universal indicator...
it's used for indicating pH on a certain liquid...


then the IPS lamers came... hahaha,,

someone feels shy~~

then IPS trying to make one of the experiment too...

what's this?

jessy! do u know it's a compass? hahaha,,

hey hey hey!! be careful!!
u might get a shock!

and this?
it's the creation of the IPS!!
congratulation!!! wkwkwwk,,

that's it! we've fun durin' this practicum... ^^,,
lookin forward for any practicum again... hohoho,,