Friday, October 31, 2008

nyu2's 17th!

happy birthday, nurita.. aka nyu2..!!!

Let's be unique!
and we'll start from the last minute of her party...

just so u know,,nyu has always love to take the picture of a "bule botak",,kikiki...
so we all know that one of her wish come true right? hahaha,,

here's a nice ice cream given by the seoul garden manager,,so kind~~
yeah right~ we know u'r happy...
well u supposed to be happy! hahaha,,
pics pics... take pics again and again...
let's toss for nyu2's b'dae,,, may all ur wishes come true, pals..!!
novie's eating,huh??? R u trying to eat the fresh black pepper chicken before you cook it???
novie= eat again...!!
yenni,,, started to have her mouth full..
novie = eat again again and again... TT ( there are meat near ur side,,, do u have to chop so far??)
yenni = nice , huh??? smile means 'yes'..

hmm~~ so yummy~~
we dont have to pay for the fund, do we?? we've finished all the food~~

our plates,,,
'so clean'.... hey, dish washer,,, u dont have to wash ours anymore, do you?? its so "blink-blink"

havent full enough,,, so start eating again..!

dun look in that way, wendy..!! its ok if u eat a lot,,, jus eat as much as u like.. tat will be better for the 'payer'.. :)
tats all the invited people,,, + the photographer...
sssslllluuuuuurrrrppppppp............ Where does the sound from???? "man in black"
in the start,,, all people start to have their meal!! Someone disappeared.... Where's Olie?????

a pot of soup and the griller are only for our two sweet babe...

wendy was served by the waitress... He asked for a cup of "es cendol".....

"what should i eat??? Let's choose..... is that sweet?? that should be yummy....

4 pretty ladies,,, thinking of what they should eat...
yes,,, What r u point at, lady?? that's yummy, yenni..~

another pics for the 4 pretty ladies...
hey,,, joni,, bring us some too..!! Take them as much as u can eat...

hahaha,,,, yes yes,,, we were talking to u,,,

4 ladies started to get their food...

another pic...
before taking the food,, lets have a photo...

an appetizer, isnt it??
cake,,, birthday cake... Open ur mouth please.....
look what happened to ur mouth, lady..!! You got a big mouth, huh??
hmm,,, so u choose by urself, huh??

what are u looking at, nurita??? novie's feeding you..!

why do u look so miserable, nyu2??

cutting the cake after blowing the candle..
serious in cutting the cake~~
this pic too...
blowing the candle,,~~ its just so hard to blow 2 candle...

"wish that my 'someone' can appear beside me after i open my eyes"

waiting for someone to light the candle up...

"can u ppl c that i'm applausing?? yeah,,, this is when they sang birthday song for me..!"

nyu" supposed to be happy, didn't she?

my birthday cake which is given by Olie, Vina, n his little bro.....

I would have nothing to cut if they didn't give that Tiramisu flavoured cake...

Thanks 4 it.......

Happy birthday to nyu2,,,,
hope that this sweet 17 memories may be captured by u in ur mind whenever, whatever, whoever u are....

with love,,, from,, lamers..!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Jessy's House!

Welcome... Welcome to Jessy's house,,kikiki...

1st,,all of u may take off ur shoes and hang it on the wall... owh~ don't feel shy,,it's a custom in Jessy's house...

voila! overall look at her house... BIG! GIGANTIC! MAJESTIC!

can you see through it?
there's a hen at the center if u look closely...
at the back of her house,,there's a yard... BIG YARD!
wow~ what do u called that? a swing? hm~ is it? looks prestige... hahaha,,
one... two... three... four... five...
FIVE bonsai?? do u know what's a "bonsai"? click here if you wish to know more...

right on the corner of the yard,,you'll see a BIG POOL consist of colorful KOI-fish...
there you go,,a whole pics of the fish pool...
this is how the back of her house looks like... it's extravagant right? =),,
there are some statues along the yard...
there u go~ nyu2's riding one of those statue...
thinking that she's a cowboy... imagining things,,dat's what nyu2x always do...
back to the so-called swing again...
eUU! can you guess what is this thing??
then let me tell you,,it's a chicken poo?? chicken shit?? chicken dung?? wadeva~
ulala~ look at that...
her big brother's basketball ring~
jessy! lookin thoroughly at the hen...
aquarium inside of the house...
you know what,,
this is the maid's bed room... maids there sure are lucky... they got this bedroom,,facilitated with a spring bed? a TV?? where else could u find such a nice room for maid? lol,,
the rest part of the room... ROTFL
nice clean and tidy... ^^,,
hohoho,,the shoe!!
it's actually stick on the side of the fridge... lol,,
the other~ other fridge...
owhh~ my fault...
the shoes,she don't hang it on wall...
what she's doing?
jessy and her family... CUTE!
can u guess what this is?
it's actually a chair... with the carve of an elephant at the back side...
level 1~
stairway to heaven~
climb this stair and you'll see heaven.............. once you jump off it!
take care~
hmm~ mickey?
wow~ cool!
yup! that's the stair...
jessy's keyboard... she bought this and don't even play it for once...
mirror~ mirror~ on the toilet's wall...
nyu2x and jes2x...
them again!
wew~ there's so many make-ups?? nail polish? what else??
nyunyu~~ with her laser beam~~
jessy's collection~~~
is it messy?
jessy's collection again!
so many things to describe.......
that's the rest of her clothes... don't think that her wardrobe is never enough for all of her clothes??
finally! and i've reached the END!!!
hope u'all enjoy the tour we've taken to jessy's house........