Monday, June 14, 2010


Jessy Here! ^^

I just get back from my "7 days Holiday in Btm and SG"
Miss my hometown, home, family and friends, although i just get back here not up to 24 hrs. :'(

How i wish to be there as long as i want.
Those memories that i had during the time will become the most valuable memories i've ever have.

"Will be back again to college tomorrow" :'(

Thanks family and Friends.

Love you all Forever. :3

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Kangen2an Di Blog.

gud Nite for All my Lovely Friends . . . . . . .
Pa Kbr Smuanya??????

Dh Lama Bgt Nh gk Ngunjungin Blog Kita yg tercinta. hehe. . .
kgk da waktu sh. sibuk Kuliah.
mav kn Lh driku.
Tapi aq salut ma Jc, Sebagai Blogger sejati tetep Share crita di bLog. Hihi. . .
aq kasi jempol dh buat Jc.

Nyu2 mana yh????
biasanya paling sering nulis blog.
udh gk klihatan dy.
Nyu, Where R U????
Miss U. . .

Na2y, Yeni, Novie, Oliver, N Wendy.
Miss U all . . . . .
Aq doain dh, Smoga kuliah xan Lancar2 Ja.
hmph . . . .
gk tw lg mw nulis pa.
udhan lah, ntar nangis pula disini gara2 kangen ma xan.
hehe . . . .
Gbu all . ..

"Say No"

Can anyone tell me why its so hard to say "no" when you are really not willing to?
Sometimes, reason isnt just come straight through the mind when you want to tell lies.

But when you say 'yes' to them, and start to go out, you will forget everything about unwillingness that you felt before..

why is that happening???? :'(


Monday, May 31, 2010

No One.....

Sorry for the late update!

No One seems to be updating recently.. hahaha...

anyhow,, Jessy again here!

Just start my college after 3 weeks holiday,,,
and start with pretty perfect time for people to get up , huh? 8 AM!

Thanks God that i able to get up so early..
however challenges come for the following day as well...
8 AM till Thursday.

Thank you college for giving me such a great timetable and help me to train my willingness in waking up early.



Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bad Day....

jessy again down here!!!!!

i'm having really bad days these day... arggggggggg!!!!!!
it feels as if i want to knock myself to the wall...

"stop thinking nonsense"
"focus on homework""

that is what i keep saying to myself...

hope everything will go through...!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Yes yes yes... Jessy again down here!!
i've finished my exams! and i've got my exam results!! oh thanks God that i pass all of it!! muahahahahahaha......

But,,, bad news!!! Tons of assignments need to be hand in within this 1-5 weeks ahead..!!!

anyone willing to help me???

Monday, March 15, 2010

Jessy J'Cy Jessie JC Jess Jes

Yes yes yes,,,
i'm jessy!!
no one seems to be posting anything lately....

fyi,, i'm in the library... STUDYING!
miracle, isnt it? my ex-classmates???

how's u guys been doing now???
i'm having my introduction of hospitality studies tomorrow...!
wish me luck though whenever u read this!
Hwaiting! gud luk! jia you! ganbatte! berjuanglah!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Once Upon a Time............

the ghosts from the ring are free!!!

jessy was trying to capture them while they are asleep... mohohohoho....
(even ghost will sleep, oke!!!)

yuhuuu!!! the greedy nyu2 and the feminine yenni!!!

having lunch with our sweet and cute junior!!

nyu2 was teaching ppl the way of swimming with the air...

three of them,,, failed at opening the gate,,,
(ahh,,, so ashame!! huhuhuhu)

the models of the shampoo!!
huhuhu,,, miss you guys!!

prepare umbrella before the rain
[sediakan payung sblm hujan {hahaha}]
the war trial!!

the Social Major with their Papa!!

Social Major with the most handsome guy in the class.. ( since,, he is the only one)
{from left to right to down}
[jes, nay, yen, nop, oli]

at bakso tembak, jodoh,, dc mall..

dunt forget to take a photo!!!

Teacher's Office (Dj)

We meet again, pals!!!

in this occasion,,,
lets introduce our previous teacher's office in
Sekolah Djuwita!!! 

first of all,,, the office belongs to Ms. Mey!!

  Belongs to Mr. Wahyu!! 

and down here,,,
we can capture the rest of the room in the outside of Ms. Mey and Mr. Wahyu room...

we can see that there are 2 teachers who enjoy their break during the recess time...
one of them, is,, Ms. Erna ( teacher who taught economy in Social Major) [*plok*plok*plok]

nah,, nah,, nah,,,
scroll down and you'll see the most interesting teacher over the century in Djuwita School...
let's welcome Ms. Martha!!!
yeah yeah yeah!!!

Can't see her face clearly??


Finally,,, lets end up this section by watching the Mama of the Anggrek Mas, Ms. Mey!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

nyus' hostel

nyu2x's in Singapore!
below are pictures taken at the hostel she's staying...
That's the gymnasium and the hostel keeper...
rabbit! cute!
my bed and yu2's...
dining room
Basket Ball Court
Open Field

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Have A Good Laugh


Orang beranggapan kalau makanan yang kita santap diberi nama Perancis kelihatannya akan terasa lebih enak.
Hal tersebut disebabkan antara lain karena anggapan bahwa semua yang berbau Perancis bermutu halus. Perancisinasi juga membuat orang yang akan bersantap mempunyai citra yang kabur tentang apa sebenarnya yang ia mau santap.

"filet mignon" (secara harafiah artinya:daging lulur bagian paling belakang)
"pate de fois gras" (goose liver paste = hati angsa)
"chevalen" (daging kuda)
"Monsieur de Veau" (daging lembu muda, veal)
"Escargot d'France" (bekicot, keong dari Perancis), dsb.

Si Inem yang warungnya sering dikunjungi turis (backpackers) Perancis, tidak mau kalah.

Dia pasang menu sebagai berikut:


Oucing Pete de Chine (Oseng Pete Cina)
Chateau de Batavie (Soto Betawi)
Saiyour de Lourdes (Sayur Lodeh)
Roujaxe d'Oleque (Rujak Ulek)
Café a la Tobruque (Kopi Tubruk)
Cappuccino de Preangers (Bajigur)
Naxis Geaux rain (Nasi Goreng)
Manioc de Mer (singkong Rebus)
Vouz vour que tans Noir (Bubur Ketan Item)

And Today's Special:

Loun Tounqe Saiyour [Lontong Sayur]

Hab Max Janoux Lufaz Bayaour = Habis Makan Jangan Lupa Bayar !!


Inem de Lennox

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Welcome to Kawah Domas......
can u see the pools there...
They're hot springs.....what a cool slope....! guess what the white smoke is? It's so smelly... kind of poisonous smoke.. H2S..

boiling water?? It's natural... up to 100 degree Celcius... wanna try? n u can heat the egg inside the water...
another spring is getting boiled...

Here are kinds of rock which was found in the area of the Volcano...

Another volcano...
Is that a market? Gift n souvenir stands....
This is the peak of the volcano n its' hill...

another point of views..
N we can conclude...
All of the pictures above are part of Tangkuban Perahu in Bandung...
So Come Here n Check it Out...!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


oh noo!
poor irma! get caught by a gorilla!!
she didn't look frightened though... wow!
mr. wahyu woody...
olie the silver surfer...
princess mey...
how are you today my princess?
yennie the angel...
all you can think of wendy...
is gambling~ ckckckck,,
no good! no good!
the angel... =pp,,
wow! i feel good! teret teret teret tet!!
irma!! wow!! karaoke queen!
never thought jessy would be a criminal...
if anyone sees her somewhere please report to the authorized personnel...
wenny! the batwoman?
hahahaha,,to the rescue!
rockie nyunyu~
rahmah the witch... ikikikikiki~
wow! nay2 the artist~
oli?? what's wrong?
olie the palsu MJ!!

haha! very funny!