Vesak day!!
The day when Sidharta Gautama was born
The day when He became Buddha
The day when Buddha parinibbana
during this conspicuous day,,
some Buddhist lamers went to the temple...
"Vihara Buddhi Bhakti"
there's some event took place...
below are some pictures taken...
The day when He became Buddha
The day when Buddha parinibbana
during this conspicuous day,,
some Buddhist lamers went to the temple...
"Vihara Buddhi Bhakti"
there's some event took place...
below are some pictures taken...
the organizers of these event put up posters which shows the life of Sidharta Gautama since He was born...
that's the name of the event...
we sort of light up the candle and give some donation...
wrote name that you wish to...
it is believe to give a blessing to the person with name written...
after the event,,
we went to the hall for praying...
there's a lot of people coming that day...
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