welcome........Check this out..
next is Mr.Muggy and Olie.....
oli and vina!!
wenny and rahmah!!
rahmah and novie!!
nyu2 and yenni!!
chilly sauce crab!!!
yummie steamboat!!! it's almost finished!!
mr muggy and mr wahyu...
hahaha,,our sweet2 teacher... =),,
omg!! why's nyu2 crying???
TT,,don't cry!! don't cry!!!
coz u look so ugly!!!
nyu2!! what happen 2 u again???
what's got into ur mouth??
mr muggy is so funny!
he sure knows how to use a chopstick...
nyu~ u don't have to blow the soup that hard!!
take it easy!!
our lamer's girls!!!
mr wahyu is surprised by how big mr muggy's mouth is... wkk,,
wendy and even...
wendy and even (again! and more intimate!!)
wendy,even and oli... 3 little brother...
is threatening novie for not giving her a birthday gift...
let's take a picture... ^^,,
presenting a birthday cake for jessy!!
the table was too full of the foods,, so wendy would be the table this night...
thank you thank you!!!
I'm so happy that I can hardly open my eyes!!
thank you thank you~~"
I think the candles went off b'4 I blew it... lol,,
I'm cutting it.... veeerrryy~~~ caaareeefullyyyy~~~
"yes yes yes!
i'm gonna take it...
gonna take it~~~"
got the biggest piece of chocolate... hwehwehwe,,
(the chocolate was mixed with the candle... coz while the candle burning,,, it dropped to the chocolate too)
so it tastes funny...
"just look at my cake...
so fabulicious!!"
"my sweet 17th,,^^..."
this is where we're staying for the night...
Jessy was chased by the other members...
she ran deep insede the darkness,,,,
she even ran to the security post to protect herself..
"i've come back"
we kept chasing jessy and we found a method
f.y.i jessy is actually love to drink alcoholic... so that night,,, jessy asked for even alone to come over a place to have a can of beer (coz it seems scary with others(they prepared to hold cakes and threw it to jessy))
unfortunately,,, even brought the beer and pour it to jessy... Even could ran as fast as the cheetah... so yahhh,,,
happy to bully jessy, huh??
nice nice!!! having a party!! yay yay!!
novie and wenny!!
waiting for the sun rise~~
wondering what novie drew on the sand...
I'm falling!! I'm falling!!"
counting the stars...
sun rise!!!
and we're doing exercise!!
to stay fit... and healthy...
while finding the spot of the sun,, we even went to the ramako batam,, this located exactly up the hill,,,
but,, we didnt forget to take a picture of it...
morning has come,,, Novie received an important call from her 'ehem ehem'..
purposely,, the lamers took the picture of her...
let's zoom in,...
(ah,,, she found us!!)
see,,, she kept ran away from us...
'bout this pic,,, we represented olie,,!!! the flies catcher... he's good in catching flies...
with his own method...
wondering how he did it??? juz asked him in the comment...!

"come on, big fly!! u are such a nuisance..!! i'm going to arrest you!!"
hoho,,, below here are the flies that he caught...
Jessy and Wenny helped him to take care of the flies while he was hunting...

wenny was going to give the flies some food,, while jessy was finding a new method to challange Oli..

that's all our activities during that 2 days 1 night journey..
chilly sauce crab!!!
hahaha,,our sweet2 teacher... =),,
TT,,don't cry!! don't cry!!!
coz u look so ugly!!!
nyu2!! what happen 2 u again???
what's got into ur mouth??
he sure knows how to use a chopstick...
nyu~ u don't have to blow the soup that hard!!
take it easy!!
mr wahyu is surprised by how big mr muggy's mouth is... wkk,,
is threatening novie for not giving her a birthday gift...
presenting a birthday cake for jessy!!
the table was too full of the foods,, so wendy would be the table this night...
thank you thank you!!!
I'm so happy that I can hardly open my eyes!!
thank you thank you~~"
I think the candles went off b'4 I blew it... lol,,
i'm gonna take it...
gonna take it~~~"
got the biggest piece of chocolate... hwehwehwe,,
(the chocolate was mixed with the candle... coz while the candle burning,,, it dropped to the chocolate too)
so it tastes funny...
so fabulicious!!"
she ran deep insede the darkness,,,,
she even ran to the security post to protect herself..
we kept chasing jessy and we found a method
f.y.i jessy is actually love to drink alcoholic... so that night,,, jessy asked for even alone to come over a place to have a can of beer (coz it seems scary with others(they prepared to hold cakes and threw it to jessy))
unfortunately,,, even brought the beer and pour it to jessy... Even could ran as fast as the cheetah... so yahhh,,,
I'm falling!! I'm falling!!"
to stay fit... and healthy...
purposely,, the lamers took the picture of her...
(ah,,, she found us!!)
'bout this pic,,, we represented olie,,!!! the flies catcher... he's good in catching flies...
with his own method...
wondering how he did it??? juz asked him in the comment...!
"come on, big fly!! u are such a nuisance..!! i'm going to arrest you!!"
hoho,,, below here are the flies that he caught...
wenny was going to give the flies some food,, while jessy was finding a new method to challange Oli..
that's all our activities during that 2 days 1 night journey..
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